Quick Facts

  1. kubernetes is open source
  2. originally developed by Google Inc
  3. kubernetes is an orchestration tool
  4. deals with containerised applications

Why Kubernetes?

Orchestration allows us to have applications which have

  • high availability : lower and lower chances of applications being unavailable or offline
  • scalability : easy or automatic load management. ex: run more containers when traffic is high
  • fault tolerance : recovers automatically from a faulty state

Kubernetes Concepts

  1. Cluster
  2. Control Pane (Master)
  3. Nodes (Worker)
  4. Kubectl
  5. API Server
  6. Controller Manager
  7. Scheduler
  8. etcd(KeyValue store)
  9. Virtual Network
  10. Pods
  11. Pod-Service
  12. Ingress

Kubernetes Architecture

Kubernetes Architecture


Pods are the unit entities in kubernetes. They are usually an abstraction over containers. Each pod has its own virtual address(an IP address).